raspberryjams' translations site.

Uruwashi no Nightingale

1:30 ──|──── 4:31

Lyrics: Saori Codama
Composition: Yoshihiro Suda - Relic Lyric, inc.
Arrangement: Yoshihiro Suda - Relic Lyric, inc.

English | Romaji | Kanji

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Uruwashi no Nightingale


Beautiful Nightingale




Drifting afloat in a freshwater spring was the Moon and Star's dragée

Found in the depths of a peacefully sleeping forest

Wandering amidst the night breeze that shook the grove

We will sing with a fragile voice

Come, let us sing


Towards the slowly brightening sky


Of the zephyr of morning twilight and of the joys of life

How beautiful,

Ah Nightingale, ah Nightingale, with that singing voice

"Tica-linga-lira, Tica-linga-lira," so as to guide us

Ah Nightingale, ah Nightingale, let us sing together

"Tica-linga-lira, Tica-linga-lira," as the world awakens from its slumber

Lay aside that terror wrought by vulnerable dreams

From those days as a frightened child

Spent motionless and stagnant by the window, achingly waiting

For the salvation of light

Come, it is time


Brush away your tears


And enter a duet with birdsong, facing an endless horizon

It is budding,

Ah Nightingale, ah Nightingale, that inner strength

"Tica-linga-lira, Tica-linga-lira," transform it into hope

Ah Nightingale, ah Nightingale, let us live together

"Tica-linga-lira, Tica-linga-lira," in this vibrantly prismatic world

Our cherished relationship that was scorched by fate—we will sacrifice it to eternity

As an omen and a prayer for everything to ultimately be reborn with impartiality

In the pure morning

Nightingale, ah Nightingale, with that singing voice

"Tica-linga-lira, Tica-linga-lira," so as to guide us

Ah Nightingale, ah Nightingale, let us sing together

"Tica-linga-lira, Tica-linga-lira,"

As the world awakens from its slumber

Ah Nightingale, ah Nightingale, that inner strength

"Tica-linga-lira, Tica-linga-lira," transform it into hope

Ah Nightingale, ah Nightingale, let us live together

"Tica-linga-lira, Tica-linga-lira," in this vibrantly prismatic world

Play this song and make it resound throughout the land...

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  1. I've found that 月星 can be associated with the ウグイス (Japanese bush warbler/nightingale), and 月星日 is sometimes described as the cry of an ウグイス.
  2. The dragée, most commonly found as a Jordan almond, is a gift given or otherwise used as decoration at weddings to symbolize the happiness and prosperity of the married couple.
  3. This line,「眠れる森の底で」, is similar to the title for Sleeping Beauty,「眠れる森の美女」.
  4. “Living together” as in being alive and existing together.
  5. “Cherished relationship” comes from 蜜月, which primarily means “honeymoon,” but has a double meaning of “intimate relationship.”
  6. It is not literally “throughout the land,” but rather “across a large distance.”